Since its inception, NamWater has not performed well financially due to a number of factors, of which non-payment for water services rendered constituted the biggest portion.
This unhealthy state of affairs prompted the then new CEO, Dr. Vaino Shivute, appointed in December 2002, to initiate a new business plan in order to improve the financial performances of the company, i.e. by cutting costs, improve efficiency and expand the revenue base of the company. This known as phase 1 of NamWater turn-around strategy.
The Atushe concept was introduced as a new vehicle for the new business philosophy to implement the new Business Plan. The Atushe plan aimed at turning around the financial and also the environmental challenges facing the water utility. After conducting environmental, internal and external analyses, the new business plan, from 2004 - 2008 was finally launched.
The five-year business plan aims at ensuring that the corporation has the necessary expertise in place and a conducive working environment to carry out the business of providing water to its customers successfully.
The then new exercise has been fruitful. The business plan managed to turn around negative growth and the company stopped borrowing money to pay salaries. NamWater was well on its way to reach its declared goals of reaching financial excellence, customer service excellence, people and learning excellence and internal business processes excellence.
After the company achieved its goals, phase 2 of NamWater turn-around strategy was initiated and started from 2009-2014. The aim of the second turn-around strategy was to attain financial stability, to invest and to consolidate the company’s achievements. This strategy achieved its desired goals as well and the company was well on its feet having consolidated its achievements over the past eight years. NamWater was financially stable and had a good standing as a going concern
However, management did not want to be complacent with the achievements made over the past 8 years. After proper consultation with internal and external stakeholders, NamWater decided it was time to move the company from good to great. A number of strategic issues were identified. These were;
- Security of Water Supply
- Affordability of Water
- Efficient Operations
- Stellar Customer Services
- Financial Health
- People Centred
- Risk Readiness
A new business plan was thus developed to attain the above mentioned strategic issues and this ushered into the 3rd phase of NamWater turn-around strategy. The planning for the new strategic phase was commenced in April 2015. Currently, NamWater has completed crafting the new strategic plan (2019-2023) and plans under way for its implementation.