Monday to Friday: 8:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:00

NamWater Ltd

The Namibia Water Corporation Ltd. (NamWater) was officially registered as a company on 9 December 1997
Bid Number: Description Documents
SC/RP/NW-014/2025 The Provision of a consultant to conduct a NamWater skills audit. Download 
W/RFQ/NW-007/2025 Rehabilitation of Concrete Towers at Ondangwa, Iindangungu, Omakango, Oshikango and Omafo Schemes. Download 
G/RFQ/NW-065/2025 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Fibre Optic Cable at Rundu NamWater.  Download 
G/RFQ/NW-066/2025 Compiling, editing, proofreading and Printing of NamWater 2024/2025 Integrated Report. Download 

Supply & delivery of Pump Base Frames for the Okahandja East Pump Station.


Provision for Consultancy services to conduct a customer and stakeholder satisfaction survey


Compilation of Renewable Energy Cap Exemption request for SS1 Desalination plant to the Electricity Control Board.

SC/RP/NW-017/2025 The Implementation of Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Software Solution. Download 
NCS/RFQ/NW-020/2025 Rendering of Self-Catering Accommodation Services to NamWater employees. Download 
G/RFQ/NW-067/2025 Supply & delivery of One (1) Tower Booster and Borehole Switchboard for Omitara water supply Scheme upgrade. Download 
G/RFQ/NW-068/2025 Supply and Delivery of 500ml NamWater branded bottled water for a period of 12 months. Download 
W/RFQ/NW-008/2025 Provision for the Renovations to the Namwater House at the Bethanie Scheme. Download
NCS/RFQ/NW-021/2025 Catering Services for NamWater Sports Teams for the 2025 Public Entity Games. Download 

Who Are We

The Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) was officially registered as a company on 9 December 1997. It is a commercial entity supplying water in bulk to industries, municipalities and the Directorate of Rural Water Supply in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. The company has a permanent staff compliment of 648 employees (192 females and 456 males).

Area Offices

  • NamWater Okahandja Tel: +264 62 71 6000
  • NamWater Swakopmund Tel: +264 64 71 6200
  • NamWater Oshakati Tel: +264 65 71 4200
  • NamWater Keetmanshoop Tel: +264 63 71 8000
  • NamWater Grootfontein Tel: +264 67 71 4000

Where to find us?

176 Iscor Street,
Northern Industrial Area
Phone Number
+264 61 71 0000
+264 61 71 3000